Legislative Assistants to Members of Parliament (LAMP) Fellowship is inviting applications from talented candidates to be a part of a unique and an exciting opportunity for young Indians to learn law-making and public policy.
About LAMP Fellowship
LAMP Fellows are mentored by a Member of Parliament (MP) and work full-time with the assigned MP during a given year, starting from the Monsoon session of Parliament till the end of the Budget session.
Deadline– 21st December 2024
Role of LAMP Fellow
The primary role of a LAMP Fellow is to provide extensive research support to her/his MP for their parliamentary work. This includes drafting parliamentary questions for the MP, preparing the MP’s speeches for zero hour debates, raising matters of public importance, drafting private members’ bills etc.
When Parliament is not in session, LAMP Fellows engage with policy makers, experts from various think-tanks, academicians from several leading universities, and leaders from diverse public policy institutions through participation in workshops on important policy and development issues. LAMP Fellows also participate in field visits during the inter-session period for a practical exposure to governance at the ground level.
LAMP Fellows research topics as diverse as defence, food security, environment, economics and foreign affairs. Research tasks may include
- Legislative research
- Data Analysis
- Framing parliamentary questions
- Background research parliamentary debates
- Research for Standing Committee meetings
- Drafting Private Member Bills
- Media-related work including drafting press releases, preparing interventions for TV appearances
- Research for constituency-related issues
- Interacting with stakeholders
PRS seeks to engage with highly-motivated, bright young people for the LAMP Fellowship.
- LAMP Fellowship is open to candidates who are 25 years of age or below
- Candidate must have at least a Bachelor’s degree in any academic discipline.
- Only Indian citizens are eligible for the LAMP Fellowship.
Selection Procedure
The selection process for LAMP Fellowship will include:
- Stage 1– Online Application with two essays
- Essay 1- Statement of purpose justifying their candidature for the Fellowship
- Essay 2- Analyzing any issue and the related policy implications
- Stage 2– Online Evaluation Test on 5th January 2025
- Stage 3– Interview
The LAMP Fellow will get a stipend of Rs. 23,000 per month
New Delhi
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Opportunities available to me after the Fellowship?
Post Fellowship, LAMP Fellows have pursued various career opportunities. Some have continued to work with Members of Parliament, ministers, political parties, or other political consulting organizations. Others have pursued advanced degrees in prestigious institutions like Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Oxford, London School of Economics, SciencesPo, IIMs, ISB, XLRI, JNU, etc.
Fellows have also joined multilateral institutions like the World Bank, Foreign Embassies, or leading public policy organizations such as NIPFP, CEEW, CSF, or chosen a career in the corporate sector including consulting, investment banking, and e-commerce. A few have joined the civil service as Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officers
I am not well-versed with the legal or political system in India. Will I be provided with any training?
Deep knowledge of the legal system is not a prerequisite for the Fellowship. PRS conducts intensive training during the initial month, where LAMP Fellows are familiarized with the basics of the Indian Constitution, basics of Economics, parliamentary procedures, information sources, and research tools required in their work. Attendance is mandatory for the entire training period.
As a LAMP Fellow can I pursue any other professional or academic engagement?
LAMP Fellows are expected to commit to a full-time engagement with the Fellowship. The Fellows cannot pursue any additional academic or professional assignments during their engagement as a LAMP Fellow.
What is the duration of the fellowship?
The Fellowship starts from the middle of June with a rigorous 1-month long training. The Fellows will be assigned to their respective Member of Parliament during the Monsoon session of Parliament and will continue to work with the MP till the end of the Budget session of the following year.
What is the average number of working hours I need to put in?
The role of a LAMP Fellow requires full-time commitment. The periods when Parliament is in session will be the busiest time of the year for anyone working with Parliamentarians. MPs are usually in Parliament between 10 AM and 6 PM. MPs typically meet with their Fellows and assign work either before they go to Parliament or after they return. During the session LAMP Fellows may have to brief their MPs on short notice on any matter. Hence, the workload will be high while Parliament is in session and the LAMP Fellow must be open to flexible working hours. The work of each LAMP Fellow will therefore differ, depending on the work and requirements of their respective MPs.
Is work experience desirable to be a LAMP Fellow?
Work experience is not an essential criteria to become a LAMP Fellow. However, previous work experience and exposure to a professional work environment might equip LAMP Fellows better to work more effectively with an MP.
What work will I be engaged in when the Parliament is not in session?
Between Parliament sessions, Fellows will continue to support their MPs on any research work that is requested of them. This may include, research for standing committee meetings and preparation for the next Parliament session. In addition, PRS will conduct workshops on policy issues where Fellows can interact with experts and policy makers. This year, workshops were conducted on a wide range of subjects such as Health, Education, Climate Change, Technology policy, Budgets & Public Finances.
Which MP will I be working with?
MPs will be from both the Treasury and the Opposition, across major parties, and from both Houses of Parliament. The assigning of LAMP Fellows to the MPs will be done on a random basis; no consideration will be given to the LAMP Fellow’s political leanings, educational background, or ideology.
Will I have office space to work out of?
Since each LAMP Fellow will be working directly with the assigned MP, the designated workspace will depend on the arrangement that the MP and LAMP Fellow arrive at. MPs do not have formal office spaces in Delhi. Most interactions, including professional or business meetings, happen in designated spaces within their residences. The MP may want the LAMP Fellow to work out of the office space at his/her residence or may make other arrangements for office space. The MP should be able to contact the LAMP Fellow for any research work at all reasonable hours even if they do not share office space.
Will I have access to any office equipment I would need to complete my tasks?
LAMP Fellows will not be provided with any office equipment under the Fellowship. LAMP Fellows will be expected to use their own computers or internet connections.
May I approach for any questions or challenges I face while undertaking a given task?
Aside from the weekly review, a designated member of the PRS team can be contacted for any issues or questions the LAMP Fellow would like to discuss.
Will any facilities for accommodation be provided to me under this programme?
The responsibility of arranging accommodation in Delhi rests with the LAMP Fellow.